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The creation of In January 1996, life was a struggle and I needed money. I went to my first New Moon meditation. The facilitator told us about a very ancient prosperity folk tradition. Some say it's Polish; others say it's Hungarian, Chinese, or Celtic. I went home and followed the easy instructions and had immediate results! I was SO excited about the positive changes in my life I began to call my friends to share the secret of abundance. Most of my friends didn't have a real silver coin or access to the Moon dates. I decided to find a way to share the secret, and created the "Moon Money®" kit. I've been keeping a written log of the extraordinary abundance that has come into my life since I started using Moon Money®. I am amazed at the bountifulness of our Universe! I find money on the ground, get unexpected discounts, and am given many gifts for no special reason. One evening, my neighbor came to my front door with NINE cantaloupes! Moon Money® has been a catalyst for shifting my prosperity consciousness, and even better, I have the opportunity to share the secret ways of tapping into moon-wealth with all of you! Just click on the ORDER icon to find out how Moon Money® can be sent to you. My First Month of Using Moon Money® The highlight of my first month using Moon Money¨ was a free trip to San Francisco. I love to travel, and had not taken a vacation for a long time because of the expense. My round trip airline ticket and rental car were paid and I received many gifts that included antiques. I even had spending money for sightseeing and buying souvenirs. Extra work came to me that month and I received money from an unlikely settlement between me and a major building supply chain. So much good fortune had not come to me so quickly, in such a short time. It was obvious that I had to attribute all this to the use of Moon Money®. Abundance and Good Fortune I was planning to purchase an espresso maker and steamer. Had I not gotten the thought to unpack a box that already contained both, I would have spent another $100. Later, a friend gave me a coffee grinder. There are so many examples of the abundance of gifts and experiences that I have received since using Moon Money®. I have had free meals, free tickets, and admissions to theaters and events, discounts and sales I didn't expect, assistance from friends when I needed it, free medical treatment, free seminars and classes, gifts of clothing, a Mont Blanc pen, linens, books, finding money on the street, flower arrangements, massages, firewood, cassette tapes, free long distance calls, portable air compressor, card table, jewelry, bird feeder, clock, calculator. . . .need I say more? Besides the gifts, what intrigued me the most was the circumstances that surrounded them. More and more, without even trying, I'm at the "right place at the right time." Travel Some friends, whom I hadn't heard from for a while, surprised me with a ticket to visit their home in Paris. I was very excited and honored to receive this gift, and enjoyed a fabulous two weeks in Versailles, with a bonus trip to Switzerland. A few months later, I was given a ticket to sail the Caribbean for seven days with Richard Simmons' "Cruise To Lose." I exercised with Richard on stage, saw three ports-of-call, enjoyed the shipboard activities, made new friends, and even dropped a few pounds! More satisfying than my stories are the positive changes I have observed in the lives of others. Please take a few extra minutes and read about them in the Testimonial Section. ![]() To provide a prosperity tool for abundance and healing on a personal and global scale. Our modern world has been less aware of the cycles of Nature than our ancestors who depended on these cycles for their very survival, yet we take it for granted. Our bodies and our natural environment follow a cooperative rhythm of life. Life is so much easier when we place ourselves into the natural flow rather than challenge Nature at every turn. Our first calendars were based on the lunar month, the calendar that is carried inside the bodies of women. The Jewish, Chinese, and Mayan calendars are also based on the lunar month. Nowadays it is difficult to even find a calendar that prints the phases of the Moon. Moon Money® has trained me to notice the lunar clock - that for two weeks of the month our moon appears to grow and that for two weeks it will diminish - and then the cycle will repeat. Any Farmer's Almanac will illustrate the importance of planting by the Moon's cycles for bountiful crops. We also know that the Moon's pull can raise our ocean up to 1,000 feet! It follows that this powerful force of Nature can benefit us in a multitude of other ways. In addition to reviving the Moon Money® tradition for abundance, it is time to preserve the ceremonies which honor the natural cycles of life - most specifically Moon Meditations. Groups from around the world meet to respect what native peoples have practiced for ages. I urge you to attend a Moon Meditation regularly in your area. If none currently exist perhaps you would consider starting one! Each month during the Waxing (growing) Moon I host a meditation circle for people interested in the Moon Money® project, for the purpose of financial healing of the planet. There is no specific way this meditation would have to be done, just that it is done respectfully and with positive intent. We invite you to visit our new Sister Site, MoonMeditations.com! This new and dynamic site contains all the resources you'll need to perform this age old ceremony of meditating with the Moon. The aura is the "energy field" that surounds the body This energy vibrates at varing frequencies within the field, which can be discerned as color. Each color has a special meaning. Special cameras exist that can actually photograph an aura! I chose to have an aura photograph taken of a CHARGED Moon Money coin and packet to demonstrate its powerful, healing energy. |
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