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Moon Money® Million
Million dollar bill

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Million dollar bill

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You're Worth A Million!

How does it feel to be a millionaire? These crisp, new million dollar bills will train you to be open and receptive to creating more wealth and prosperity in your life. Put them all over the house - the refrigerator door, bathroom mirror, with your Moon Money® silver coin and Prosperity objects.

  • Gifts! Pass them out to friends, customers and business associates. . .
    They will certainly remember YOU!
  • Keep in view to set their intentions for creating more personal wealth
  • Use as a bookmark (laminated one) when reading the The One Minute Millionaire
  • Enclose with a birthday card, graduation, holiday, New Year
  • Fun to carry -- fun to give
  • Free! with every order of Moon Money®
$1.00 each
or get it laminated
$2.50 each
Note: Million Dollar Bills look like real money, but are strictly for entertainment.
The United States Government has never printed a Million Dollar Bill.

Moon Money® uses iTransacts state of the art secure server for processing credit cards and e-checks. Don't want to use a credit card? Click Here! for Fax/Phone/Mail Orders. You are not required to provide a credit card number to order from Moon Money® !

We pride ourselves on our reasonable prices and exceptional customer service. Everything is completely guaranteed to meet your high standards, or we'll make it right. Of course, we'll never sell or distribute your private information.

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